Your address for physiotherapy, manual therapy and personal training in Heidelberg

Your address for physiotherapy, manual therapy and personal training in Heidelberg

Your address for physiotherapy, manual therapy and personal training in Heidelberg

Your address for physiotherapy, manual therapy and personal training in Heidelberg

Your address for physiotherapy, manual therapy and personal training in Heidelberg
Good to have you here
For us, physical therapy is a holistic concept where the human being itself is our focus of interest. Convince yourself and book your appointment today via phone or e-mail. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our practice!

Holistic Concept
Your health is important to us. We are convinced, that one’s body can only heal when you find yourself in a trustful environment. This is what we stand for.

Proven treatment methods
We offer physiotherapy, manual therapy and personal training. Our focus is on movement.

Additional offers
We also offer bespoke trainings under professional supervision outside the statutory and private health insurance companies - regardless of whether you are already in good health or want to get back to it.