Personal Training
Das Personal Training bei der Physiotherapie Gantert in der Heidelberger Weststadt bietet seinen Klienten höchste Effektivität und exzellenten Service im Bereich Sport und Gesundheit. Dabei ist stets eine 1:1 Betreuung geboten. Grundlage für ein erfolgreiches Personal Training in der Physiotherapie Gantert ist immer ein einleitendes und ausgiebiges Anamnesegespräch, in dem der physische Zustand des Klienten ermittelt wird. Durch eine realistische Zielanalyse wird anschließend ein maßgeschneiderter Trainingsplan ausgearbeitet. Ob in der Praxiseinrichtung, am Arbeitsplatz, oder in freier Natur – das Personal Training kann ganz nach Ihren Wünschen angepasst werden.

In today's society, the topic of health and personal well-being is becoming increasingly important. Due to demographic change, among other things, it is not only important to find a movement-specific balance to our predominantly sedentary professional activity, we also work longer and longer and want to stay fit and active into old age. There are countless offers for our sporty leisure activities, but hardly any ones that promise such a high level of efficiency in terms of training effectiveness and time investment. In the meantime, personal training is no longer just a "MUST-HAVE" in the land of stars and starlets, but is increasingly being used by a diverse clientele.
Your advantages at a glance:
- 1-to-1 support
- Individual and personal training tailored to the needs and wishes of the client, which also takes into account indications and injuries through the basic medical training of the physiotherapist
- modern, alternative and creative training methods and training equipment
- flexible training times and locations
- professional support in the areas of sport, movement and mobilization as well as the use of sport and physiotherapeutic test and measurement methods for documentation of success