Krankengymnastik in unsrer Praxis in der Heidelberger Weststadt ist eine aktive und passive Behandlung. Das Beschwerdebild des Patienten gibt die angemessene Behandlungstechnik vor:
- Active, functional exercise to promote the mobility of muscles and joints, as well as specific therapies for the treatment of paralysis
- Passive mobilization to avoid stiffness and pain
- Strengthening specific exercises for weakened muscles to improve posture and coordination of movement
- Relaxing exercises for tense muscles to stretch and restore optimal muscular conditions.
- Special techniques to assist breathing in lung diseases, asthma and other respiratory diseases such as e.g.Mobilization of the chest, measures to dissolve secretions, loosening of the respiratory muscles and special positioning to facilitate breathing.
- Instruction of the patient for their own practice in everyday life.